My goal being a game developer is to Redefine Play. In a world where we are surrounded by microtransactions and paid DLC, I aim to provide a complete and whole experience right out of the box. What you pay for is what you get, and I won't nickle and dime you for more just to milk more money. My hope is that my games will speak for themselves and you will want to play them just as they are. No microtransactions to complete a game, no interstitial ads, and no "pay to unlock" will be included in my games, ever.

Privacy Statement
To be a developer, it is required to have a privacy statement. I take privacy very seriously, and would not take that for granted of my userbase.With that being said, I will state that my policy around privacy is the following: I don't want or need any of your personal information. None of my games will natively collect it and use it for marketing purposes, or to sell to other third-party companies. Your data is your own, and it should stay that way.That being said, there may be times where my games need to integrate to other third-party services, and those services are subject to their own terms and conditions about privacy. If that is ever the case, I will be sure to note it clearly somewhere accessible within the game.
Thank You
I appreciate your message. Please note that I can't always respond to everyone, but not a single message goes unread.